4 months

Macquarie Group

Sydney, NSW, Australia

Macquarie Group Limited is an Australian global financial services group.

Software Engineer


Feb 2024 - Present

Tech, Digital and Data Intern

Dec 2023 - Feb 2024

2 years 7 months

Open Law (Jade.io)

Sydney, NSW, Australia

The Open Law ecosystem contains a number of projects for enhancing access to law and increasing efficiency of legal practitioners and researchers.

Design, Software & Systems Engineer

Aug 2023 - Nov 2023

Junior System Engineer and Junior JADE Editor

Aug 2022 - Aug 2023

Junior Software Engineer

May 2021 - Aug 2022

3 months

NSW Electoral Commission

The Hills, NSW, Australia

The NSWEC is legislated to conduct, regulate and report on elections on behalf of the people of New South Wales.

Declaration Voting and Information Officer

2023 NSW State Election

Mar 2023

Declaration Voting and Information Officer

2021 NSW Local Elections

Dec 2021

6 months

Volt Bank

North Sydney, NSW, Australia

Volt Bank was an Australian consumer neobank, the first such bank to be issued with a restricted ADI licence by APRA.

IT Operations Intern

Feb 2022 - Jul 2022

4 months


Bondi, NSW, Australia

Voly was Australia’s first on-demand supermarket delivering groceries in minutes.


Nov 2021 - Feb 2022